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  • WFG HN | Erik Bannwarth hat eine neue Veranstaltung erstellt.

    Online trainings "EU SME: How to go international in Eastern Africa and Latin America"

    The EU-funded euWater4i-SD aproject aim to support the internationalization of SMEs as they move into new markets.

    That is why we would like to invite all companies interested in exploring new business opportunities abroad to join us on this exciting journey. On april 26th we will be holding an ...

    The EU-funded euWater4i-SD aproject aim to support the internationalization of SMEs as they move into new markets.

    That is why we would like to invite all companies interested in exploring new business opportunities abroad to join us on this exciting journey. On april 26th we will be holding an online event designed to provide valuable information on how to expand your business in Eastern Africa.

    During this webinar, you will have the opportunity to hear from experts in the field, learn about the latest trends and strategies in internationalization, as well as discuss with them about the possible difficulties that companies may encounter when approaching that Region

    26th Apr., 2023
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