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📢 Attention, companies! POLREC project launches the first open call for #internationalisation! 🚀 ♻️ The objective is to ...

📢 Attention, companies! POLREC project launches the first open call for #internationalisation! 🚀 ♻️ The objective is to support SMEs by financing the attendance to networking actions and an international matchmaking mission on Polymer-recycling solutions in Canada.

👉🏽 Each company can obtain up to 1500 euros for attendance to networking actions and 3600 euros to be part of the mission to Canada. 📆 Applications can be presented from March 22nd to May 22nd. Find more information here: https://test.clustersubmissionplatform.eu/eurocluster_post/polrec-internationalisation-open-call/

🗞️ Subscribe to the POLREC newsletter here: https://lnkd.in/eqfGyTfP

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    📢 Attention, companies! POLREC project launches the first open call for #internationalisation! 🚀 ♻️ The objective is to support SMEs by financing the attendance to networking actions and an international matchmaking mission on Polymer-recycling solutions in Canada.

    👉🏽 Each company can obtain up ...

    📢 Attention, companies! POLREC project launches the first open call for #internationalisation! 🚀 ♻️ The objective is to support SMEs by financing the attendance to networking actions and an international matchmaking mission on Polymer-recycling solutions in Canada.

    👉🏽 Each company can obtain up to 1500 euros for attendance to networking actions and 3600 euros to be part of the mission to Canada. 📆 Applications can be presented from March 22nd to May 22nd. Find more information here: https://test.clustersubmissionplatform.eu/eurocluster_post/polrec-internationalisation-open-call/

    🗞️ Subscribe to the POLREC newsletter here: https://lnkd.in/eqfGyTfP

    22nd März, 2024 - 22nd Mai, 2024
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